Legal and Policy Information

What is meant by "condominium?"

A simple explanation of €œcondominium is a form of home ownership whereby a group of people agree to:

          a.  joint ownership of the overall property, including building and grounds, and

          b.  individual ownership of a limited portion of the property which is that individual owner's living space.

This form of ownership is governed by state law and additional ownership covenants (bylaws) agreed to by each individual owner at the time of purchase.  The legal definition of condominium may differ from state to state.

Willow Brook Condominium Governance

Governance of the Willow Brook Condominium Association is detailed in it's Bylaws, as filed in 1979, and amended in March 2010 (Document 01037) and June 2010 (Document 00901). There have been other proposed editions of the Bylaws circulated in the past, but which have not been approved or recorded and are therefore invalid. Each unit owner will have received and agree to these by-laws as part of closing on the title transfer to his/her unit. A "convenience-only" simily of the official Declaration of Condominium By-laws and Indenture can be downloaded and/or printed from this website by clicking here. A paper copy can be obtained for a fee by contacting the property management company.

Willow Brook Condominium Association

While the all Owners are governed by provisions of the By-Laws, those same By-Laws additionally grant the

Board authority to establish additional policies to carry out their responsibilities. To that end, the Boards of Managers have created and revised policies over time. A copy of the current  Policy Manual can be accessed and downloaded from this website by clicking here. A paper copy can be obtained for a fee by contacting the property management company.

Board of Managers Policies

Board of Managers of the Willow Brook Condominium Association (Board Policies)

The Willow Brook Board of Managers consists of five members and is charged with the responsibilites of:

  • managing and administrating the property
  • creating and managing a budget for that purpose
  • establishing assessments, when necessary
  • employing  staff, including:  property management administration professionals, maintenance personnel,  and legal staff as necessary to accomplish any matter pertaining to enhancing, maintaining, benefiting or promoting the property.

The By-Laws require Managers to be unit owners and to serve three year terms so that not more than two shall be elected at a time. Members of the Board of Managers serve without compensation. Should a Board menber resign or sell their interest in the Condominium, the remainder of the Board appoint an owner to complete that member's term.

The Willow Brook Association is the home owners association (HOA) where each owner is automatically a member. Issues brought before the Association are voted upon and each owner's vote is apportioned according to his percentage interest in the whole, as described in detail within the By-Laws. It is through the Association that individual owners determine how they want to spend money collected by the Association, including association fees and possible special assessments. Association funds are allocated by the Board of Managers, who are elected by vote of the Association and, who are charged with directing the associations' operations on behalf of the owners.

The Association employs a professional property management company to manage business operations of Willow Brook.  The company provides services, including:

  • collect Association fees, track owners in arrears and with liens,
  • respond and meet with vendors and create contracts, obtain quotes for maintenance and construction
  • receive bills and process payments, track and report budget, maintain finance and legal records
  • insures compliance with current local and applicable state laws including safety, health, and environment
  • interacts with our insurance company for claims, real estate agents for questions
  • manages our staff including payroll, benefits, and work assignments
  • handles communication with Association members  for work requests

 The Board of Managers selects a property management company that is very knowledgeable about condominium complexes,  understands what is unique about Willow Brook, provides quality services tailored to Willow Brook needs, is reliable, and communicates well with Board members to accomplish tasks.  

The property management company used by Willow Brook is:


AMC Management LLC

3153 Fee Fee

Bridgeton, Missouri 63044

voice:  314-291-1450

fax: 314-291-5714

Property Management Company